Then, second, the artificial low interest rate policy implemented during that period has accomplished an obvious rent effect. 另一方面,该时期实施的人为低利率政策取得了明显的租金效果。
In fact, if in different macro-economic context of low interest rate policy study, the results are different. 事实上,如果在不同的宏观经济背景下的低利率政策的研究,其结果是不同的。
The continuation of extremely low interest rates and unconventional monetary policies by major reserve currency issuers have created stark challenges for emerging market countries in the conduct of monetary policy. 主要储备货币发行方继续实行极低利率和非常规货币政策,给新兴市场国家制定和执行货币政策造成了严峻挑战。
Likewise the low interest rates of Japan today – as in the US of the 1930s – show that monetary policy is too tight, not too loose. 与此类似,日本今天的低利率(如同美国上世纪三十年代的情况)表明,货币政策太过紧缩,而不是太过宽松。
Speculation on real estate heated up when Federal Reserve System ( chaired by Alan Greenspan) implemented the low interest rate policy in2001 as an anti-recession stimulant. 美国联邦储备系统(由格林斯潘主持)在2001年实施的反经济衰退的低利率政策,使房地产投机活动升温。
The low interest rate policy is designed to prevent an uncontrolled collapse of this mountain of leverage into mass bankruptcy and, instead, allow debt to be paid down and the financial system to return to health more gradually. 低利率政策旨在阻止堆积如山的债务由不受控制的坍塌演变成大规模的破产,让债务得到偿还,金融体系以更渐进的方式恢复健康。
Thus a combination of ever-tighter fiscal policy with surprisingly low interest rates will dominate British macroeconomic policy until the middle of the new decade. 因此,一个双重组合(超出预料的低利率和历年来最为严紧的财政政策)将主导英国的宏观经济政策直至未来十年的中期。
The flexibility of low interest rate of savings is the key reason of un-ideal interest rate policy; 储蓄的低利率弹性是利率政策不理想的根本原因;
People usually think that the low interest rate regulation and credit rationing financial policy plays an very important role for the recovery in Japan after it was defeated in world war II, and it is also a key factor in creating Southeast Asia's miracle. 普遍认为,低利率管制和信贷配给的金融政策对于日本战败后的经济复兴起到了重要作用,在东南亚奇迹的创造中也可谓功不可没。
In credit, our government should mainly offer special low interest or even interest-free loan to help the rural cooperative economic organization to peasant households or the cooperative economic organization through the policy bank at present. 在信贷方面,我国政府当前应当主要是通过政策银行向农户或合作经济组织提供专项低息甚至是无息贷款帮助农村合作经济组织。
In both post-war economic instauration and development period, for realizing a certain economic plan or industry target, almost all of countries practiced the low interest rate control policy. 在战后经济恢复和发展时期,为了实现某种经济计划或产业目标,几乎所有的国家都实行低利率管制政策。
Starting with the theory of financial repression, this paper argues that low interest rate policy under financial repression will lead to a series of negative consequences to a country's economy. 本文从金融抑制理论入手,指出了金融抑制下低利率对一个国家经济造成的一系列后果。
On the Invalidity of Chinese Low Interest Rate Policy 对我国低利率政策无效性的探讨
Dollar depreciation expose limitation in American economy, and it is influenced by low interest rate policy in American, and withdraw of some foreign investors. 美元贬值除暴露出美国经济的缺陷,还受美国政治形势、低利率政策以及一些国家从美国撤资等因素的影响。
On the Main-bank System and Artificial Low Interest Rate Policy& A Study of the Financial System of Japan in Its Fast Growth Period 关于主银行制度和人为低利率政策&日本高速成长时期的金融制度研究
TianShan Snow Rice Company is an advanced enterprise of rice industrialization in the First Division. The company should try to gain finance allowance 、 low interest loan and attract foreign capital through favorable policy of country, then use the finance to extend the scale of rice industrialization. 农一师天山雪米业公司作为农一师稻米产业的龙头企业,需要有效利用国家政策和吸引外资,争取获得国家财政补贴和低息贷款,为扩大稻米产业化规模解决资金困难。
At this point, the interest rates have fallen to a very low level, so there is no space to cut interest rates again. In addition, the marginal effect of the conventional monetary policy is also diminishing. 此时,联邦基准利率和法定存款准备金率都已经下降到了非常低的水平,继续采取降息和调低准备金率的空间非常有限,另外,这些常规的货币政策的边际效果也在不断递减。
In the year of 2001-2004, the low interest rates policy of Federal Reserve stimulated the development of the real estate industry, as easy to get, the sub-prime estate mortgage market is more prospective than ever before. 2001-2004年,美联储低利率政策刺激了房地产行业的发展,由于易得性,次级房贷市场空前火爆。